Sunday 26 January 2014

Which thrillers have influenced or inspired your own? - The Bourne Ultimatum / Jaws / Fast & Furious

The Bourne Ultimatum has also inspired my choice of thriller type. The use of a hit man gone wild is something I might possibly use in my thriller, He (Matt Damon) also has the look in the movie which I associate with a hit man and in general his type of character so if I was to base my own character on him I might look at how he is dressed, his attitude and general traits.

The Bourne Ultimatum - 2007

Other thrillers that are inspiring me for my thriller also include Jaws, since I would like to use the horror sub-genre in my thriller and Jaws in my opinion is the best through the use of tension and suspense when the hark is around, the use of the Jaws song is also very influential on what song I might use in my thriller.

I also am quite interested in using some techniques used in the Fast & Furious series of movies, because they have the type of characters and storyline I would like to base my thriller on, Fast & Furious Director Justin Lin is also very good in the way he captures the movie with his camera techniques and mise-en-scene so I would also like to use some of that in my own. Gone in 60 seconds (2000), The Driver (1978) and Bullitt (1968) have also given me some ideas for my thriller.

Fast & Furious - 2001

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