Monday 20 January 2014

What are the characteristics of a thriller? - Part 2 - Themes & Characters

For the themes of thrillers it very much depends of the sub type that the movie is classed into. For example Disaster thrillers always include an impending unstoppable disaster that a group of people must survive. Crime thrillers often include themes such as ransoms, captivities and hostage situations. Psychological thrillers most likely play with the protagonists mind with games and puzzles they must decode.
Either way there are universal themes that pretty much every thriller must use:
  •         The protagonist(s) faces death, either his and/or her or somebody else's.
  •         The force(s) of the antagonist's must initially be cleverer and/or stronger than the protagonist's.
  •         The main story-line for the protagonist is either a quest or a character that cannot be put down.
  •         The main plot-line focuses on a mystery that must be solved.
  •         The film's narrative construction is dominated by the protagonist's point of view.
  •         All action and characters must be credibly realistic or natural in their representation on screen.
  •         The two major themes that underpin the thriller genre are the desire for justice and the morality of individuals.
  •         One small, but significant, aspect of a thriller is the presence of innocence in what is seen as an essentially corrupt world.
  •         The protagonist(s) and antagonist(s) may battle, themselves and each other, not just on a physical level, but on a mental one as well.
  •         Either by accident or their own curiousness, each character is dragged into a dangerous conflict or situation that they are not prepared to resolve.

Protagonist characters of thrillers can include: Reporters, Innocent civilians, criminals, hard men, military men or civil servants, just about anyone that is thrown into action without prior preparation for it.

Whereas the antagonist characters can include:Criminals, Criminally insane, Assassins, Agents, terrorists etc. Anyone who can be seen as corrupt, insane and generally evil.

The Joker, an antagonist character in Batman: The Dark Knight.

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