Thursday 16 January 2014

Thriller Sub-genre's - Techno Thriller

A techno thriller is based as the name suggests, on the use of sophisticated technology to either help solve a problem or fight against evil, or used to defeat the hero. The typical storyline of this thriller genre is aliens with advanced technology or robots taking over mankind with a view to enslaving us, or the use of technology to help a hero fight against the evil wrong doings of someone, it uses a lot of the ideas from the science fiction genre.
Terminator - probably one of the most famous
Techno thrillers. It stars Arnold Schwarzenegger
as a robot travelling back in time to assassinate someone.
The Matrix is a techno thriller made in 1999
when technology was at the height
 of everybodies attention.

Here is the very recognisable theme song to Jurassic Park. Which is also a Techno Thriller initially made in 1993 but like many classic movies has been recently released as a 3D movie.
Jurassic Park Theme Song

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