Sunday 26 January 2014

My personal favourite thrillers - Captain Phillips

My personal favourite thriller movie is Captain Phillips. The movie was made in 2013 and tells the true story of a cargo ship captain (Tom Hanks) who believes he is going on an ordinary trip around Africa passing on the way, Somalia. It goes terribly wrong however when a group of four Somalian pirates are able to board the ship and take control of it. The captain must keep the pirates happy by helping them while also concealing the location of his crew. The pirates look for the crew but they end up taking the leader pirate hostage. They do a swap but the pirates end up taking a lifeboat £30,000 and the Captain with them. They quickly start to sail back to Somalia but the left over crew call the Navy to pursue the pirates. After long negotiations and fighting the leader pirate decides to board the Navy ship. Once done snipers get ready to eliminate the rest of the pirates on the lifeboat they do so and the captain is freed. 

Captain Phillips movie poster - 2013
One of the reason’s I like the movie so much is because of the great true story it has behind it, and the way that the director Paul Greengrass is able to portray this to the viewers. He is able to make it seem as if you are part of the “crew” on the boat, especially with the use of the camera to move around the boat. However even though you side with the captain (Tom Hanks) you still relate to the Somalian pirates as at the beginning you see the conditions they live in. Even the acting is completely flawless which is especially amazing since the four Somalian pirates had never even acted before. A great tactic that Greengrass used was to not let the pirates see any of the crew before filming the scene when they meet, this creates real tension in the expressions of the crew. So in my opinion this is the best thriller there is due to the great amount of suspense and tension techniques in the filming which are very similar techniques to Hitchcock that is created out of a true story.


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