Thursday 3 April 2014

Questionnaire Results

The following are the results of each of the questions that I included in my questionnaire:

1) The Results of this question are to be concealed so as not to invade people's privacy, I did however ask 6 people and got a wide range of names all of whom were not at all related.

2) I got exactly 3 males and 3 females to take part in the questionnaire.

3) Out of the six participants there were three participants in the 10 - 20 range, one in the 21 - 30 range, one in 31 - 40 range and lastly one in the 41 - 50 range.

4) The following were people's choices of the last thriller movies seen: Se7en (was chosen twice), Hannibal, The Orphan, The Dark Knight Rises and The Da Vinci Code were all stated.
5) Everyone stated how much they enjoyed the thriller they watched, There were absolutely no bad comments on any of the movies seen.
6) Thriller sub-genre's that were peoples favourite from the questionnaire were: Psychological thrillers (chosen three times), Action thrillers (chosen twice) and Conspiracy thrillers was chosen.

7) There was a wide range of answers for this question including Da Vinci Code, Reservoir Dogs and Shutter Island.

8) Question 8 was very interesting as it showed me what people enjoyed in a thriller and there was a wide range of results, ultimately each option got at least one person voting it as the most important part of a thriller, with suspense actually getting two votes as the most important. However Puzzles and mind games was voted the least important three times! As well as emotion getting two votes as the least important. Overall and in average people put the list into the following order with Suspense the most important, action, horror, Emotion and then Puzzles/mind games getting voted the least important.

9) There was also a wide range of answers for the participants favourite thriller actor: Tom Hanks, Bruce Willis, Nicholas Cage and Christian Bale were all chosen. I will take this into account by looking at what movies they have been and trying to see why they make that role popular.

10) The following are directors which were voted the best by the participants of my questionnaire: Christopher Nolan (for Dark Knight), Quentin Tarantino (for Reservoir dogs and Kill Bill) and Marry Harron (for American Psycho). Again I will have a look at the movies made by these directors and possibly use some of their techniques in my own movie.

11) The results of this question were not only very useful for me but also quite surprising and informative. I believed most people would chose the option of getting straight into the action with no credits. I was surprised to find most people actually chose a build up to the action with short credits. The other less popular option was long credits and then the least popular option was no credits and straight into action. This means I should put short credits onto a build up of action to really please yet also grab the attention of my audience.

Overall I found doing the questionnaire very useful and informative and it has definitely influenced what I would like to do for my final intro of a thriller.

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