Friday 4 April 2014

Planning My Thriller - Securing the Location

I have looked around my immediate vicinity that would be readily accessible for the logistical side of not only transporting myself and the equipment needed, as well as a location that my actors will be able to reach. But also the location would need to tick all the check boxes that will ultimately make my intro good. These include:
  • Ergonomically if it is easy to film there.
  • If it is safe to film there.
  • If the set is aesthetically pleasing and accompanies my idea.
  • If I am allowed to film there.
It is a huge importance to me that I did not film like many of my other students at our school Aldenham. My teachers have said that it has got very repetitive and boring watching everyone's films being set in Aldenham so I have chosen a place near it which has never been filmed before.
It is for all of these reasons that I believe I have found the exact perfect location to film at: Otterspool Lane, Bushey.


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